Phenomenological solution to the quantum question: The third reduction[1] applied to the double and simple slot experiment
1. At the level of fundamental particles, quantum phenomena are phenomenological events or saturated phenomena[3].
2. Reversal of the privilege of the cause in favor of the effect: the effect as an event saturates the meaning and expands the limits of the phenomenality of the invisible[4].
3. Saturated phenomena are subtle substances, subtle substances are not discontinuous but continuous waves.
4. At a fundamental level there is no matter, but waves: subtle saturated[5] substances are waves.
5. There is no duality in matter at the fundamental level. The mélange of continuous / discontinuous, corpuscular / wave, determinism / indeterminism is the way we perceive matter: what is fundamental is unity.
6. In the experiment:
a) From the double slot: the photon is not a material thing, but a saturated subtle substance[6]. The natural state of a saturated phenomenon is diffraction and vibration.
b) With a single slot: the photon, diffracts before reaching the slot.
c) With two slots: the saturated phenomenon (photon) is diffracting before reaching the slot[7].
7. Each saturated phenomenon is a wave source with infinite corpuscles (subtle substances) that in turn have wave sources. This propagates to infinity.
8. The Principle of Universality is Donation[8], Donation breaks[9] in at the moment of the Big Bang[10].
9. The subtle saturated substances (waves) are born in the irruption of the Donation (Big Bang).
10. The subtle saturated substances (waves) emerge from the irruption of the Donation, they carry the information of all existence.
General objectives
–Show quantum phenomena as phenomenological events.
–Show that at a fundamental level there is no matter like the one we perceive at a macro level.
–Show that perceived reality is the result of the interaction of waves.
Specific objectives
–Apply the third phenomenological reduction of Marion[11] to show that the quantum event is a saturated phenomenon.
–Displace the categories of the saturated phenomenon to a science object.
–Analyze the impact of the investment of the privilege of the cause in favor of the effect.
–Analyze Donation as a Universal Principle of Quantum Causality.
Central hypothesis
Is it possible to apply the third reduction to the simple double slot experiment to try to give a phenomenological solution to a problem in quantum physics?
Could the third phenomenological reduction be applied to superposition and entanglement or implexion[12], taking into account that the reduction makes visible phenomena that without it would have remained inaccessible?
What is the real, the solid world or multiple probabilities?
How is the discussion on scientific realism?
Is there a correspondence and convergence between the plane of quantum events and the phenomenology of the saturated phenomenon?
How is access to new phenomena?
This investigation will require a conjunction of two methods. The Phenomenological–Hermeneutic and Conception: Theory 𝐶 − 𝐾 by Armand Hatchuel will be used.
(i) The Counter–Transcendental Phenomenological.
In a radical reduction we will try to put the phenomena in parentheses (in suspense) in order to eliminate the accessory and thus purify theories of prejudices; the immediate effect of this action allows us to preserve the phenomenon in all its purity. The third phenomenological reduction is the Donation[13] counter–transcendental that gives the possibility of the appearance of the saturated phenomenon. This amplifies the concepts and allows us to speak of categorical and universal intuition, that is, the unconditional primacy of the Donation of the phenomenon. Thus, the appearance is accessed, the phenomenon manifests itself because the reduction suspends the falsehoods of the natural world. Precisely the value of phenomenology is to give completeness to the description of quantum phenomena, achieving its legitimacy by making visible events that without it would have remained inaccessible. In other words, phenomenology has the objective of accessing the appearance, transgressing the perceived impression of the thing itself, that is, of what is given, and not of subjectivity; in this way the phenomenon manifests itself. Thus, the turn goes from show to show.
Hermeneutics, the art of explaining, translating or interpreting or the theory that interprets philosophical, artistic and sacred texts, has been extended to any type of humanistic object, in this case to the new phenomena discovered by physics. Hermeneutics came to play in the last quarter of the twentieth century a general philosophical position that has often been designated as koine, it attempts to decipher the meaning behind the word and the exegesis of reason itself on the meaning, written, verbal communication, and non–verbal, taking into account the need for a new language in the light of discoveries from contemporary physics that question objectivity, showing that the summoned subject cannot be separated from the object. Science cannot solve, yet, the question of the interaction of the observer in the measuring devices in the micro world; hence a possible solution is to reinterpret quantum phenomena as phenomenological events.
Hermeneutics makes us see and understand the event from multiple interpretations in which it is phenomena.
(ii) The Conception: Theory 𝐶 − 𝐾 by Armand Hatchuel.
The central proposition of the CK theory (they correspond to the abbreviations of the English words ‘concept’ concept and ‘knowledge’ knowledge) is found in the formal distinction between concepts and knowledge, creative thinking and innovation are issues that are part of design .
𝑲 is the ‘knowledge space’: propositions that have a logical status.
𝑪 is the ‘concept space’: set of propositions that have no logical status in 𝑲.
The 𝐶 − 𝐾 theory or concept–knowledge theory is both a theory of design and a theory of reasoning in design. Defines design reasoning as a logic of expansion processes, that is, a logic that organizes the generation of unknown objects. The theory is based on systemic, axiomatic designs, theories of creativity and models of artificial intelligence. The design process generates the co–expansion of spaces, concepts and knowledge through operators, in the expansion process the concepts generate other concepts or are transformed into knowledge.
- The third phenomenological reduction beyond Husserl (transcendental, equivalent to a constitution of objects) and Heidegger (existential, puts the existing entity into practice) is the pure form of the call allowing counter–transcendental givenness, which gives us the possibility of reducing the saturated phenomenon. The third reduction amplifies the concepts and makes it possible to speak of categorical and universal intuition, that is to say of the unconditional primacy of the givenness of the phenomenon. Phenomenology shows this involves letting the appearance appear in such a way that it achieves its full appearance. The radical reduction, the giving of transcendence into immanence, dissolves appearances and false realities; thus givenness establishes the stages of phenomenality (Jean–Luc Marion). ↑
- MeerKAT’s new image of the galactic central región. ↑
- Polisena, V. (2019). Phénomènes quantiques en tant que phénomènes saturés. Troisième réduction phénoménologique: la donation. OpenScience journals – ISTE Editions – ISTE Group Art and Science. Sorbonne University. France,–quantiques–en–tant–que–phenomenes–satures–Troisieme–reduction.Saturated phenomena: it is described as unmentable according to quantity, unbearable according to quality, absolute according to ratio, immutable according to modality (the kantian categories are reversed).Quantum phenomena are ignored as to what they really are and on which traditional procedures are applied to limit them to a phenomenicity that is not theirs. A deficiency and an absence of concept is produced, thus the visibility of the appearance arises against the current of the intention which overflows the giving. It is the saturated phenomenon which surprises by the originality of the event, going beyond the gaze and stifling the concept like a complaint. The claim calls us and challenges us, summons us. The person summoned is discovered as a subject who is surprised by an event that he does not understand. The arrival of the manifestation of self from self provokes a reconfiguration of the world–subject and a crisis; it’s novelty, it’s transgression, so the event (quantum phenomenon) is saturated because it explodes, transforms us and innovates us. ↑
- This is the object paradigm. The inversion of the privilege of the cause in favor of the effect, since the effect as an event saturates the meaning and widens the limits of the phenomenicity of the invisible, it is the irruption of being itself which calls us and surprises us, detaching us from all subjectivity, surpassing itself in intuition, presenting itself as immirable and inescapable. Privilege implies that knowledge begins with the event of the effect, for without it the cause would be meaningless. In quantum phenomena, a release from the unknown cause is a found event, unique, irreplaceable, irreducible to the cause and surpassing its precedents. The event overtakes the cause until it is dropped. ↑
- Lucrèce. De Rerum Natura. De la nature. Subtle substances are coiled waves, coiled in such a way that we perceive them as a corpuscle. ↑
- Saturated phenomena are transgressions in the fabric of reality; they are removed from any analogy of experience, so the event is transformed because it bursts into us and opens us up to the world, innovates us; but there is an irruption of an event only if a subject is capable of experiencing it, that is to say an itself prepared for its arrival; this arrival is absolutely surprising and it affects us to the point of thinking the subject according to its capacity to receive the event and to constitute itself by its coming. ↑
- The saturated object arrives before we see it, it arrives before its time, before us. Consequently, by anticipating us, it astonishes us because it arises without common measure with the preceding phenomena without being able to announce it or explain it; isolated from the rest of the phenomena and their already known concepts. ↑
- The phenomenological irruption is accomplished by redirecting towards intuition all that aspires to constitute itself into a phenomenon. All phenomena are acts; the primacy of these acts consists in allowing the appearance of what is given; what is given is the phenomenon and what is given beyond the phenomenon is the givenness.Giving is the very act of giving what is given, what is given has a phenomenological but not effective reality, since everything that appears is given, but not everything that is given is shown. ↑
- The «irruption» (per se) of such events is novelty, like the branch that opens for a new shoot to emerge; something breaks for a new kind. What explodes and amplifies is the notion of donation which is limited to the tangible and the palpable. The arrival of the manifestation of itself from itself provokes the reconfiguration of the world–subject and a crisis because it is novelty, it is transgression, therefore the event (quantum phenomenon) is saturated because it arises, we transforms and innovates us. ↑
- Polisena, V. (2020). Big–Bang: Instante en que irrumpe la donación de la vida. TOTA PULCHRA: Associazione per la promozione sociale. Italy,–big–bang–instante–en–que–irrumpe–la–donacion–de–la–vida. ↑
- Note: Jean–Luc Marion, 1946: «Nothing appears but it gives». ↑
- Notion of Lévy–Leblond, Jean–Marc. Mots & maux de la physique quantique. Critique épistémologique et problèmes terminologiques, in Revue internationale de philosophie n° 2, 243–265 (juin 2000), pp. 11: «We could then replace ‘entanglement’ (‘Verschränkung’, ‘entanglement’) by ‘implexion’, and instead of an ‘entangled state’ speak of an ‘implexed state’». ↑
They are phenomena which do not submit to the analogies of perception, they thus acquire the character and the dignity of an event. The event cannot be predicted from the past, it cannot be understood from the present and it cannot be reproduced from the future; it is therefore pure, absolute and unique. ↑